However I have a confession. I am not great at keeping up with journals even though I enjoy writing. But to counteract that I may have to scale back from my intense blog regimen that I was on before the Writer's Conference. I wanted to write about Victorian things and add a recommendation on the end every day but I think if I'm a little easier on my blog then I will be more apt to keep it going. With that being said let me tell you about the conference!
The Writers' League of Texas Conference was a blast and it was even better then I expected it to be. Yes, the weird and wonderful prevailed again and I got some real positive feedback on my story. I am currently doing more rewrites on the novel and am waiting to hear back from some agents. So yay!! Honestly I wish I could live in that world every day. Surrounded by writers and readers and lovers of the word. Ah...what heaven that would be. I made some very nice friends there and found out I had a pretty good pitch as well.
And so to tie in my blog theme to my life I wanted to show you the steampunk necklace I made and wore to the conference.

It was an easy piece to make, except for taking the watch apart. It's basically two pieces. The front part is a vintage wrist watch turned backward and I attached the chain to it with some epoxy glue. Yep, that baby ain't coming apart. I got compliments on it and everything. I had been considering selling my jewelry pieces on because a lot of people sell steampunk jewelry on Etsy. But really I'd just be selling it so I can buy more steampunk jewelry. Hmm, kind of defeats the purpose. So why not just make my own?
Anywho, soon I'll be posting on the lovely jewelry box my sister got me for my birthday. Stay tuned and keep after your dreams!