But I thought I'd do a short little post for today. So here goes...
You would be shocked, shocked how hard it is to find a decent old fashioned pillow.
I mean, between weird fabrics, lack of embellishments, incorrect sizes, being overly boring or overly bright, finding a good throw pillow has been like searching for Montezuma's treasure.
The closest I came was a few weeks back when I was sifting through a home decor store.

This pillow I found was so close to what I'd been looking for. It was large enough. Had a nice Jacquard fabric pattern. Had some lovely tassels as well and do you want to know how much it was? A little over $300!!!! For a pillow?! I'm sure it was from a famous designer or something but holy cow! It was just crammed in the back room of this little shop. For that much it should be in a museum. Maybe it was stuffed with gold or something. I don't know.
I am one stitch away from sewing my own pillows. They might look a little ghetto but maybe that will make them look all the more authentic. Yeah, corporate America, you've dropped the ball when it comes to mass producing throw pillows. The search goes on...
Rene's Recommendation: Flightpath Coffee House

This recommendation is for all you Austinites out there (or for any one visiting our fair city). Of all the coffee shops I've been to, Flightpath is one of my favorites. It's a big comfortable shop that's quiet, inviting and unique. I personally like that they feature local artist's work there, and they make a mean steamer (steamed milk + flavor) to boot. So if you're looking for a good coffee shop, fly on over to Flightpath. It's where all the cool kids are hanging these days. ;)
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