The caption was: Best Goth Accessory Ever. Truer words were never spoken. How cool would it be if we could wear little animals around for a little while. Not dead ones mind you! Live ones where no one got hurt. But they wouldn't mind and everyone would have fun, and then when you were ready to take them off they'd scamper off back into nature.
Just think about it. Real live lizard bracelets. Mice pom poms on your shoes. Bunny shoulder pads. Dang! I wish I was a better artist, I'd totally do a whole line of live animal accessories. And they'd all be kind of funny looking.
Like I'd draw a pretty girl talking to a cute boy, but she has an owl on her head and the owl is supposed to stick one of its wings out to cover one of the girl's eyes to make her look alluring. But the owl is rolling his eyes because the mating ritual of humans is ridiculous to him and you know, he's got better things to do then try and make a girl with a bird on her head look alluring.
Yep, just pretend I drew that picture and posted it here. In any case enjoy the lovely bat goth accessory photo and let's thank the Acting Like Animals blog for letting me borrow it!
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