Saturday, May 29, 2010

A Place for A Picture and Every Picture In Its Place

One thing on my list of ways to improve my treehouse is to put all my special pictures and posters in frames. I had a good start but ran into the annoying snag of having quite a few pieces that aren't exactly standard frame size. That means I'll have to go and get them framed, which, to be perfectly honest is not a chore I'm not hopping up to do. I don't know why. It would be easy enough. It's just such a hassle. You have to take your pictures into the store, let someone else look at them, pick out the frame style, wait while it's framed and then you can finally take them home.

I know I shouldn't complain. At least I don't have to cut wood and frame them myself. Ha! That would be a laugh. When shop class projects go bad!

Anywho, I found these nice classic style frames at Marshall's which I was very happy with. If you don't look too close they look antiquy.

And ok, I couldn't help posting this particular shot. When the flash went off it made it look like I caught a ghost on my camera. So there you go. Guess the treehouse is haunted. Leftovers from last year's Halloween party no doubt. :)

Welp, that's all I got for today. Frames. Pictures. On the to do list. No reason not to, except for having a touch of the lazy bones.

Rene's Recommendation: Tiff's Treats

I'm not kidding. If you have never had cookies from Tiff's Treats, run, don't walk to the nearest location if you are fortunate enough to live in either Austin or Dallas (because those are the only two cities I'm aware they've opened up stores in.) Hands down these are the best cookies I've ever eaten. There I said it. Sorry to all you cookie bakers who have let me enjoy your baked goods over the years. Tiff's Treats are like the the crack cocaine of the cookie world. I don't know why they're so good. They must sprinkle real live magic into them or something. Oh Tiff's long has it been? Too long. Too long...

1 comment:

  1. no way, cookies aren't even the best's the brooowniiiies
