Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Goth Accessory

Ok, I totally "borrowed" this picture from but it was so cute and I totally wish I could have one.

The caption was: Best Goth Accessory Ever. Truer words were never spoken. How cool would it be if we could wear little animals around for a little while. Not dead ones mind you! Live ones where no one got hurt. But they wouldn't mind and everyone would have fun, and then when you were ready to take them off they'd scamper off back into nature.

Just think about it. Real live lizard bracelets. Mice pom poms on your shoes. Bunny shoulder pads. Dang! I wish I was a better artist, I'd totally do a whole line of live animal accessories. And they'd all be kind of funny looking.

Like I'd draw a pretty girl talking to a cute boy, but she has an owl on her head and the owl is supposed to stick one of its wings out to cover one of the girl's eyes to make her look alluring. But the owl is rolling his eyes because the mating ritual of humans is ridiculous to him and you know, he's got better things to do then try and make a girl with a bird on her head look alluring.

Yep, just pretend I drew that picture and posted it here. In any case enjoy the lovely bat goth accessory photo and let's thank the Acting Like Animals blog for letting me borrow it!

Sunday, July 11, 2010


Hmm, I'm in a weird mood tonight. I'm extremely sunburned after stupidly swimming hours in a pool without sunscreen and I should be unhappy about the coming week but I'm totally not. Maybe I should get out in the sun more. Although I will pay with the mother of all skin peels later I think some of that sunshine sank into my soul.

So to continue on in my strange reflections tonight I have one word for you: hands.

Farmer's Hands

I know what you're thinking. What do hands have to do with anything, Gothic or Victorian or steampunk or Art Nouveau? Well, hands had to make all those wonderful treasures didn't they?

Hands can kill or heal. Create or destroy. Reach out or do nothing...well, you get the picture. Enough with the bumper sticker. Either way hands are beautiful and living art.

When you think about it, hands are weird too. I wonder if we were aliens who had never seen hands would we still find them attractive? Look at your hands straight for a minute. I dare you. You'll know I'm talking about. They are very weird.

Anyway, I wish you deep, blue pools and glorious, soul-melting sunshine. Happy summer everyone.

Rene's Recommendation: Bulletproof by La Roux

This song came out a while back but only recently did I hear it on the radio and really listen to it. For some reason it got stuck in my head. And the more it played in my head the more I wanted to hear it. It finally got to a point where I had to buy it and jump around my room dancing just to fully enjoy it. I recommend you get this song off iTunes or wherever you get your music. La Roux is brilliant!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Scottish Rite Dormitory

You should always keep your eyes on the look out for the mysterious and antique. One such morning after I went to go assist my sister I stumbled upon a most wonderful find that was larger then life and right in front of me. It was in fact, the Scottish Rite Dormitory, where my sister has lived her first, second and third semester in college at the University of Texas at Austin.

I once had dreams of living in such a splendid abode but alas it was not to be. Nonetheless, I've had the privilege of visiting many times since I went to school at UT and always found it regal and well-preserved. But only recently was I there with a Victorian lover's eye which allowed me to fully appreciate it's rich furnishings and decor.

Opening it's doors in 1922, the building was a gift from the Scottish Rite Masons to house bright young women attending the University. I won't bore you with a history lesson but I did want to post some beautiful shots of a few furnishings that I would be more then happy to take off of SRD's hands if they ever wanted to redecorate.

You remember those perfect pillows I've been scouring the world for? Well apparently they're already owned by SRD and taking up space on these plush wedge couch seats.

And I'll admit, I was two seconds away from asking the girl at the front desk where they found these treasures. Then I came back to my senses and realized she would have no idea and not to bother her with such ridiculous questions.

Also I couldn't resist taking a shot of the SRD resident's mailboxes. I mean how cool are these? They had a little combination and everything. So steampunk. I'm in love. Way cooler then my sad metal square of a mail box I open with a boring key. I'd live in the dorm just for these!

Anyway, those were just the few shots I took to post. I didn't want to look like a tourist wandering through my sister's dorm! Thanks SRD for keeping the Victorian look alive and well.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

100% Love

Today I wanted to highlight the gorgeous Victorian jewelry box my sister gave to me for my 25th birthday.

This year's birthday was a little weird because even I didn't have time to celebrate it, being so busy with the book and all but I did get some fabulous birthday presents. And this was definitely one of the most thoughtful of them.

Not only is it silver but it has all the beautiful scrolling detail around its sides and the little claw feet to stand on. Then on the top you have a bouquet of flowers which, as I've mentioned before, the Victorians love tying their furniture accessories back to nature.

I can imagine in the future when I have my own family it would be a wonderful box to put surprises in. Chocolates...little notes...pretty coins...toe nails. :D No I'm just kidding about that last one. But anyway the possibilities are endless.

One of my favorite poets is Christina Georgina Rossetti (1830-1894), sister to the famed painter Dante Gabriel Rossetti (1828-1882). I plan on doing a whole post on Christina later (and not just because we share first names) but for today I wanted to post a poem that reminded me of the flower designs on my Victorian box.

Roses Blushing Red And White *

Roses blushing red and white,
For delight;
Honeysuckle wreaths above,
For love;
Dim sweet-scented heliotrope,
For hope;
Shining lilies tall and straight,
For royal state;
Dusky pansies, let them be
For memory;
With violets of fragrant breath,
For death.
-Christina Rossetti

*Disclaimer: As I was searching for this poem I ran into a number of different titles and this may not be the poem's true title. But nonetheless, the poem is the same.

And for anyone who is curious (because I wasn't sure) about what sort of flower a heliotrope is, here is a picture of it with the heliotrope fairy. It's also called vivid lavender.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Conference: OVER!

Ok, yes it has taken me quite a while to get back on my blog writing horse. But in my defense I did just finish writing a whole novel! So that's my lame excuse. ;)

However I have a confession. I am not great at keeping up with journals even though I enjoy writing. But to counteract that I may have to scale back from my intense blog regimen that I was on before the Writer's Conference. I wanted to write about Victorian things and add a recommendation on the end every day but I think if I'm a little easier on my blog then I will be more apt to keep it going. With that being said let me tell you about the conference!

The Writers' League of Texas Conference was a blast and it was even better then I expected it to be. Yes, the weird and wonderful prevailed again and I got some real positive feedback on my story. I am currently doing more rewrites on the novel and am waiting to hear back from some agents. So yay!! Honestly I wish I could live in that world every day. Surrounded by writers and readers and lovers of the word. Ah...what heaven that would be. I made some very nice friends there and found out I had a pretty good pitch as well.

And so to tie in my blog theme to my life I wanted to show you the steampunk necklace I made and wore to the conference.

It was an easy piece to make, except for taking the watch apart. It's basically two pieces. The front part is a vintage wrist watch turned backward and I attached the chain to it with some epoxy glue. Yep, that baby ain't coming apart. I got compliments on it and everything. I had been considering selling my jewelry pieces on because a lot of people sell steampunk jewelry on Etsy. But really I'd just be selling it so I can buy more steampunk jewelry. Hmm, kind of defeats the purpose. So why not just make my own?

Anywho, soon I'll be posting on the lovely jewelry box my sister got me for my birthday. Stay tuned and keep after your dreams!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Cross my Fingers and Say a Prayer

To all my wonderful blog readers who I've so long neglected I send my sincerest apologies.

I hope when I start this thing back up in two weeks you will not have lost all your confidence in me as a faithful blogger.

Currently I've been so busy, bordering on the ridiculous, finishing up my novel for the Writer's League of Texas conference I'm attending next Friday. I know I mentioned in my last post that I was almost done two weeks ago but this is the future me telling the past me that you are wrong about that! You are not almost done at that point past me. Get comfy.

Anyway. That's the reason why I've put off writing in Treehouse of Wonders for so long.

I probably should have communicated all this earlier but to be perfectly honest I didn't think anyone would really miss the blog if I didn't write. But since that time I've had a number of people tell me I should post again so that has let me know I have an attentive audience and I thank you for that my dear blog readers.

So until I return, be on the look out for the weird and wonderful in your own every day world. I look forward to blogging about my new treasures and discoveries I've made since I last posted as soon as the conference is over.

Until then, may God bless you as you live and breath and in all sorts of weather. :)

"A professional writer is an amateur who didn't quit."
-Richard Bach

Thursday, June 3, 2010

A Pretty Penny for a Pillow

Oh dear. Forgive my absence my dear readers. I have been working very hard to finish my novel. It's nearly done, but it's taken me away from the joy of writing in my blog.

But I thought I'd do a short little post for today. So here goes...

You would be shocked, shocked how hard it is to find a decent old fashioned pillow.

I mean, between weird fabrics, lack of embellishments, incorrect sizes, being overly boring or overly bright, finding a good throw pillow has been like searching for Montezuma's treasure.

The closest I came was a few weeks back when I was sifting through a home decor store.

This pillow I found was so close to what I'd been looking for. It was large enough. Had a nice Jacquard fabric pattern. Had some lovely tassels as well and do you want to know how much it was? A little over $300!!!! For a pillow?! I'm sure it was from a famous designer or something but holy cow! It was just crammed in the back room of this little shop. For that much it should be in a museum. Maybe it was stuffed with gold or something. I don't know.

I am one stitch away from sewing my own pillows. They might look a little ghetto but maybe that will make them look all the more authentic. Yeah, corporate America, you've dropped the ball when it comes to mass producing throw pillows. The search goes on...

Rene's Recommendation: Flightpath Coffee House

This recommendation is for all you Austinites out there (or for any one visiting our fair city). Of all the coffee shops I've been to, Flightpath is one of my favorites. It's a big comfortable shop that's quiet, inviting and unique. I personally like that they feature local artist's work there, and they make a mean steamer (steamed milk + flavor) to boot. So if you're looking for a good coffee shop, fly on over to Flightpath. It's where all the cool kids are hanging these days. ;)

Saturday, May 29, 2010

A Place for A Picture and Every Picture In Its Place

One thing on my list of ways to improve my treehouse is to put all my special pictures and posters in frames. I had a good start but ran into the annoying snag of having quite a few pieces that aren't exactly standard frame size. That means I'll have to go and get them framed, which, to be perfectly honest is not a chore I'm not hopping up to do. I don't know why. It would be easy enough. It's just such a hassle. You have to take your pictures into the store, let someone else look at them, pick out the frame style, wait while it's framed and then you can finally take them home.

I know I shouldn't complain. At least I don't have to cut wood and frame them myself. Ha! That would be a laugh. When shop class projects go bad!

Anywho, I found these nice classic style frames at Marshall's which I was very happy with. If you don't look too close they look antiquy.

And ok, I couldn't help posting this particular shot. When the flash went off it made it look like I caught a ghost on my camera. So there you go. Guess the treehouse is haunted. Leftovers from last year's Halloween party no doubt. :)

Welp, that's all I got for today. Frames. Pictures. On the to do list. No reason not to, except for having a touch of the lazy bones.

Rene's Recommendation: Tiff's Treats

I'm not kidding. If you have never had cookies from Tiff's Treats, run, don't walk to the nearest location if you are fortunate enough to live in either Austin or Dallas (because those are the only two cities I'm aware they've opened up stores in.) Hands down these are the best cookies I've ever eaten. There I said it. Sorry to all you cookie bakers who have let me enjoy your baked goods over the years. Tiff's Treats are like the the crack cocaine of the cookie world. I don't know why they're so good. They must sprinkle real live magic into them or something. Oh Tiff's long has it been? Too long. Too long...

Friday, May 28, 2010

Beautiful Goths

Generally I think Goths get a bad rap. I think that's unfortunate. It all boils down to books and their covers and all that jazz. I've been blessed to know some very nice Goths in my time. But I'm not here to write a social commentary on those who favor our modern day Gothic style of dress, I only want to draw attention to the style itself.

Personally I love the combination of sharp contrasts. For example, my glass apothecary jar that holds nature-born quail eggs. Or when flowery Victorian style meets brass and iron machines to create the coolness of Steampunk. And so, here too, with Goths you have what could be called contrasting art in motion. It begins with the natural hue of humans. Their subdued earthy tones of beige, brown, peach, olive skin, etc., coming together with stark contrasting colors, clothes and accessories that clearly weren't there when they were born.

If I had the courage I'd love to seek Goths out and take pictures of them and put them in a book. But some people don't like people taking pictures of them. It freaks them out. So that probably won't happen unless I get some street cred for being a good photographer, an unlikely possibility at this time. Oh well. I wanted to post a few pictures of the beautiful Goths I found while surfing.

“It's beauty that captures your attention;
personality which captures your heart.”

Rene's Recommendation: Galaxy Quest

Opening weekend this film didn't do well at the box office. But since that time the film has gone on to be a smashing success. It was my mom who brought it home for us to watch. It's funny because the movie is funny the first time you watch it but as it grows on you it gets reeeally funny.

It's especially fun for all you Trekkies out there because it plays off a lot of Star Trek show episodes. Besides that--for the screenwriter buffs--it has a good story arc and I happen to know first hand it's a favorite of the renowned script doctor David Trotter (the author of the The Screenwriter's Bible). Anyway, if you're looking for a good PG rated comedy I would definitely suggest you see this movie if you never have. And if you have seen it, should see it again!!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

A Rose Above Any Other Sheet...

I am quite smitten with bed headboards. I think a bed without a headboard is like a boat without a sail. Yes you may look nice sitting in sleep harbour with your fancy duvet but how will you move through the ocean of your dreams without a sail? That's what a headboard is for. Ahhh. Yes. (And preferably a footboard as well.) :)

I found a really excellent article about headboards that I had to post:

It kind of gives the history of headboards, and highlights that their function is not only practical but can define the aesthetics of a room based on what kind of headboard it is.

My current head and footboard have been in my possession for a number of years now. I like them a lot but at some point I'd love to get something a bit more intricate in detail. But until I have the money for that I decided to spruce up what I had with a garland of (very Victorian) roses.

Yes, I'm aware that it's achingly girly. But I made sure the roses were dark, almost a maroon color and for some reason they really do go so well with the wrought iron. It was also exciting to find that it was a perfect length as well. I suppose it was meant to be. I love bringing the essence of outdoors indoors, even if I do find it at Hobby Lobby.

Rene's Recommendation: Baby Name Books

Ok, today's recommendation is for all you fiction writers out there. I can't tell you what a dread it is to read the same names in book after book after book when there are so many amazing names to use. If you need ideas I would suggest going to your nearest book store and picking out a baby name book. Yes, you could probably find names online but there is something about skimming through pages in your hand before hitting upon the perfect name. I'd also like to suggest that as a writer, when naming your characters, that you find the balance between weird and unoriginal.

Yes, you can give your alien a name with no vowels but how is a reader supposed to pronounce that in their head? Or worse, when you read the name out loud to a group of people, will you want to say a name over and over that has three, four or five syllables in it? Try to make it at least somewhat relatable. On the other end of the spectrum, please name your characters something other then the top ten baby names from at least the last five years. For fear of insulting anyone with a particular name, I won't give examples but you can easily find out what they are. Unless you consciously make the decision to pick one of those names please put some thought into it. Go get a baby name book, write down a list of your favorite names for a character, and think about how that character makes you feel. Would it define his/her personality? What's in a name you say? Worlds. World's are in a name.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The World As it Stands

At some point I'd love to get an armillary sphere for my tree house. The armillary (though not invented in Victorian times) still has a solid presence in our modern day world.

According to the Encyclopedia Britannica the armillary sphere is an:

early astronomical device for representing the great circles of the heavens, [often] including...the horizon, meridian, Equator, tropics, polar circles, and an ecliptic hoop. The sphere is a skeleton celestial globe, with circles divided into degrees for angular measurement.

In the 17th and 18th centuries such models—either suspended, rested on a stand, or affixed to a handle—were used to show the difference between the Ptolemaic theory of a central Earth and the Copernican theory of a central Sun.

You might have seen cruder versions of this device as you were walking around in furniture stores. For some reason that's where I've often seen them sold.

Either way I'd love to get one for myself. A nice one though. I really like this one from and the price is decent to boot.

In my opinion, it would be a really nice addition to any steampunk collector's decor. Maybe I'll get one some day if I wish upon a falling star. :)

Rene's Recommendation: Elliptical Trainer

About a year ago I joined a gym. I had to quit my gym membership because I was moving, but before I did I discovered the magical wonder of the elliptical trainer. Now, granted, gym equipment has always frightened me. I feel stupid on it, don't know if I'm using it right and dread someone coming over and having to "correct" me on how it's done. But after a few weeks of using the treadmill at the gym, for some crazy reason, I'd thought I'd give the elliptical a try. It was a little scary at first but easy to figure out.

And let me say, it was thrilling once I realized how much fun it was. For one thing the elliptical is easier on your joints. So you can go faster with less work. It's like running in mid-air. I'd always like to watch and see how fast I could get my heart rate up. If I put on the right music it really was like flying. I probably looked ridiculous acting like I was running through a battlefield even though I wasn't going anywhere. Point being, if you're at the gym and want to try something easy and new, hop on the elliptical. It's a blast!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

A Tip of My Hat To You Mr. Robinson

Tonight's post will be short because I'll be off adventuring tomorrow and I need to get ready. But I wanted to highlight one of my favorite poems. It was written by the Pulitzer Prize winner for poetry, Edwin Arlington Robinson (1869–1935) ( Like so many other brilliant writers, Mr. Robinson lived through some pretty difficult experiences. But I guess, often, the best writing seeps from the pen of a person who's experienced some amount of deep personal angst.

Anyway, here is probably his best known poem, and of course one of my favorites. I'd often thought about writing a story around this Richard Cory character, in some form or fashion. The irony of this poem is brilliant and it reminds me of all the ridiculously successful celebrities who seem to have everything and yet can't enjoy life enough to take good care of themselves.

Richard Cory
(Published: 1897)

Whenever Richard Cory went down town,
We people on the pavement looked at him:
He was a gentleman from sole to crown,
Clean favored, and imperially slim.

And he was always quietly arrayed,
And he was always human when he talked;
But still he fluttered pulses when he said,
"Good-morning," and he glittered when he walked.

And he was rich, richer than a king,
And admirably schooled in every grace:
In fine, we thought that he was everything
To make us wish that we were in his place.

So on we worked, and waited for the light,
And went without the meat, and cursed the bread;
And Richard Cory, one calm summer night,
Went home and put a bullet through his head.

~Edwin Arlington Robinson

Rene's Recommendation: Drink More Water

I prefer filtered water myself. I'm very picky about the taste. I know some people say they can't taste it but it all tastes pretty different to me. I like my water out of my Brita pitcher, ice cold, straight from the fridge. It's like my coffee in the morning. Some people find it hard to wake up to a bracing cup of cold water but it works for me. Doctor's say you should drink at least eight cups a water a day. I probably get closer to five but I should drink more. The only reason I'm posting such an obvious recommendation is because sometimes even I forget how important just drinking plain old water is. Not guava juice or chocolate milk or an espresso, just good old life giving water. Drink up! It's good for you my dear blog readers!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Atlantis Box

For a long time I kept trying to make all my home decorations myself. I admit, I'm still attached to some of them. But I had one piece in particular that, although it began with good intentions, it should never have been put on display.

I had an old Pepperidge Farm Pirouette cookie can that I'd stuck inspirational words all over in a sort of collage. Like I said, good idea, bad execution. So I decided it needed to go and be replaced by something much cooler. I found this priceless artifact as I was scuba diving off the coast of Greece hunting the Mediterranean for remains of the lost city of Atlantis...Ha! No I'm just kidding. I found it at Marshalls Clothing Store. But it looks like I could have dug it up out of the sand right?

Now as cool as the box is, in retrospect, it's not the most convenient container for pens, pencils and the like. For one thing the top is kind of heavy. With the open cookie can I was able to pull a pen out at will but with this new box I kind of have to commit to whatever writing implement I decide I need. Because once that top goes down it's going to be an effort to lift it again.

But I decided that I like it nonetheless. And worse case scenario I just use it for something else later. And as I've mentioned before, the world moves too fast. The opening and closing of the box not only makes me slow down but makes me consider carefully the pen, pencil or high lighter I will be using for the next few minutes. Yep, take that modern 21st century. I'm making it hard on myself, and going old school! ;D

Rene's Recommendation: Life of Pi by by Yann Martel

Every time someone asks me to recommend a book, this is the one that comes to mind. Not sure why, it just stuck out as a really fantastic book. It's funny because it's a fiction story and half way through I kept trying to figure it out if it really happened. You know an author did it right when they can almost convince you a piece of fiction is real.

Logline: While traveling to America via a freighter, a sixteen year old Indian boy becomes shipwrecked in the Pacific. Left to fend for himself on a twenty six foot life raft with a hyena, an orangutan, a zebra and a Bengal tiger, Pi survives for a year through faith and strength.

The character's are magnetic. The imagery is stunning. It feels like real life and a fairy tale all wrapped up in one. Anyway, if you're in the book store and hankering for a well written adventure I wouldn't pass this one up.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Where Are All the Dragons?

To go off on a bit of a tangent today I wanted to discuss something that I think about off and on.

Ok, I am very happy to live in the United States, and Texas definitely has it's positive points but one of the things I wish we had more of here is an appreciation for fantasy/fairy tale things.

It seems like mostly everyone around here is into football and Longhorns and having a beer out by the lake and I'm like, uh?

Instead of football why can't we all be into jousting? Or why can't we decorate our sidewalks with with pretend giant foot prints or have iron fairy decorations hanging from our lamp posts (sorry street lights, because when was the last time anyone put up a decent lamp post around here.)

I don't mean to be ungrateful and I know it's not exactly in our heritage to celebrate these sorts of things. But it bugs me that this stuff is generally thought of as uncool around here.

People who are medieval "geeks" or who like fantasy comic books or who would rather where a shirt with a dragon on it instead of the standard "Don't Mess With Texas" t-shirt are put in a little corner and told by the rest of Texas to go play there by themselves. Ok, maybe I'm exaggerating. We did just have a Sherwood Forest Faire happen not that long ago in McDade, Texas. But still...I know I'm just living in the wrong state.

That was one of the things I loved when I went to Ireland. I went there a few summers ago and they knew how to celebrate the mystery of the fairy tale in their every day life. I miss that. So to show how it's done I am putting up links to a few of my favorite Bank of Ireland commercials that you should watch. They're really cute and the graphics are great. I hope you enjoy them as much as I did.

Bank of Ireland Dragon-

Bank of Ireland Elf-

Bank of Ireland Boogey Man-

Rene's Recommendation: Get Rid of Things You Aren't Crazy About

Now this recommendation is not only a little hypocritical but also kind of vague. But I thought I'd write it because when I finally realized what my true sense of style was I started getting rid of things that didn't fit that style. I'm not saying throw out everything and buy everything new. (This isn't a reality tv show where they give you $5000 to redecorate) but you can start replacing little things. Maybe one thing a week and soon all the things you use in your house will be your favorite instead of just tolerable.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Hey Shower Curtain, Where Have You Been All My Life?

I will try to make tonights post a little shorter because this writer is Tired with a capital T!

The real problem is this is the time of day when my brain wakes up. But I pay for it later with a vengeance. Getting enough sleep is super important though and I haven't been putting a priority on it lately.

Anywho, just thought I'd post my fabulous shower curtain that I changed out from my old clear plastic one with woody flowers on it. That shower curtain was very nice and was kind of see through so that if an ax murderer was hiding in my shower I could spot him before he jumped out at me.

But I decided that my personal safety was worth this gorgeous piece of work:

A Croscill Royal Paisley Jacquard Shower Curtain.

I don't believe they are making this style anymore and I found this one on ebay. It gives my bathroom a very rich look and I think it's good because it shouldn't be too girly for my future Mr. Right. If you're out there sweetie, I'm just telling you ahead of time I'm not giving up this shower curtain! ;)

Everyone who's ever taken a shower has an idea.
It's the person who gets out of the shower,
dries off and does something about it
who makes a difference.

~Nolan Bushnell

Rene's Recommendation: (

Umm, I can't really explain the awesomeness of this website. I love looking at art, especially other people's. And although any Tom, Dick or Sally can post their work here, there are some incredible works to be seen. Type in any word into the site's search engine and I'm telling you, the visual posibilities are endless. It will suck you in for hours and you won't be able to get away. Not only that, but more are added every minute. So many so that you could probably sit there for an eternity and never run out of art to look at. There's all kind of mediums of course. Photography, graphic, traditional, pencil drawings, paintings...I mean, it's art. Freedom of expression are the key words here. So as a human being with eyes there is probably something on DeviantART you will like looking at. Check it out. You never know who's art will move or inspire you.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

A What Jar?

According to the definition of an apothecary jar is as follows:

apothecary jar
a small, covered jar, formerly used by druggists to hold pharmaceuticals, now chiefly in household use to hold spices, candies, cosmetics, etc., and sometimes decorated, as a lamp base or flower vase.

Sometimes the coolest pieces of decor are the most useless and I love my useless (though aesthetically pleasing) apothecary jars. But I can't tell you the funny looks I got in Sears when I asked them to help me find this set of three apothecary jars they were advertising on their own website.

Well let me back up. A number of weeks ago I was on a mission to find all kinds of antique stores in Austin. I found this one cool place way down on South Congress called Uncommon Objects ( The place was packed and for good reason. There were a lot of really awesome things in there to look at. But I felt like I was in a museum. Like we were all the tourists admiring the objects but not really buying anything.

OK, even I didn't buy anything, but I did circle the store a number of times and was really close to picking out about a dozen things. One of the goods that caught my eye was a glass apothecary jar filled with quail eggs! I thought that was so cool. I looked at the price and it was $40! Well I wasn't going to pay $40 for a glass jar with eggs that I could construct myself. So that's what I set out to do.

Now in retrospect I'm realizing why the price was what it was. Talk about the cost of labor. You'd be surprised how hard it is to get something like this all together. First, I had to get a jar. Like I was saying earlier, when I went to Sears to buy this set of three jars, the store workers looked at me like I asking where they kept their three headed dogs. Seriously people, I know working in retail is hard but can't you make a little more effort to help a customer find something they want so they can give you their money? Yeah.

Anyway, I finally found my three amazing apothecary jars (they were quite a steal for the price) and brought them home. Then I had to find the quail eggs. A long long time ago (like a year and half at least) I had gone on an inspection of the Chinatown grocery store in Austin up on North Lamar. And somewhere far back in the recesses of my mind I remembered them selling quail eggs there. Weird that's what stuck with me. So I went, found them in the back of the store with all the regular eggs, grabbed a few mung bean cakes for good measure, and brought the whole lot home.

Here's where things got interesting. If you've ever tried to blow yolk from an egg you know it can be an arduous process. Now imagine that on a scale three times smaller and with a far more fragile shell and maybe you can begin to fathom the nearly impossible challenge I faced. It was HARD people! I had at least eight quail eggs and blew enough air out of my lungs to make me dizzy. I ended up using two different sized nails, a pin and a thirty minute show of My Name is Earl per egg to get the stupid yolks out. Gah! So hard.

And here's the real miracle. I didn't break a single egg!!! Amazing. I really thought I would. Unfortunately I have one more batch of eggs to do before my project is complete but I should whip all those eggs into shape too. (*Crosses fingers*).

Finally the last bit I did was go on a nature walk to find something to cushion the eggs with. I found one of those creepy tufts of moss that grow on trees lying on the ground. Not sure what they're called but they made a great nest for my eggs. Here is what I have so far:

Yes, I think even the most common Victorian can appreciate this little jewel. I can't wait till it's all the way done. :)

I have plans to fill the other two jars as well. One, I'd like to fill with ocean paraphernalia-shells, starfish, and the like. But I can't decide on the other one. If anyone has any ideas I'd love to hear them. Feel free to post your comments down below to give me some inspiration!

Rene's Recommendation: Half Price Books (

I love Half Price Books! This store is great for bumming around on a Saturday. Kick back, browse, let the smell of used, inexpensive books usher you into lands of dreams and possibilities. If you live in a big city you've probably visited Half Price at least once. But if you've never been you should go. Now I should warn you, don't go expecting to find a particular book. You might get lucky, but usually because they have such a high circulation of merchandise it's impossible to keep an accurate record of it all. But hunting for story treasures is half the fun right? (No pun intended of course. ;) ) Alse I've found that the people who work there are nice and quirky and though you don't get much, you can sell your old books back to them no hassle. It's a painless process, I promise. So book, music and magazine lovers go and visit this great store. It's fun for the whole family!

I'm Baaack!

Hello friendly blog readers. I missed you while I was away. But I am back and better then ever! (Well sort of...) But while I was away I got a new toy to play with that I will henceforth be incorporating into Treehouse of Wonders. A new digital camera!

Yep, I finally broke down and bought one. It's my first one so I'm kind of a digital camera virgin. I don't know why I was so adamant about not letting go of my old camera that uses real film which I almost never used. I guess I thought the pictures wouldn't be as good, but I tell you what, they have gone and built some fancy picture snapping doodads these days. I am not disappointed. I don't think there's anything wrong with using new technology to appreciate old technology. Also I won't have to worry quite so much about infringement rights when I post a picture I took myself. Yay for avoiding lawsuits!

Anywho, today I wanted to talk about my rug buying adventures. I had decided early on that square rugs were not what I wanted to adorn my tree house with. So my focus was entirely on round rugs.

The first rug I bought was from ( Now Overstock has some pretty cool stuff and a lot of it too I might add. And I can't tell you how long I took to pick out this rug. Comparing prices, checking with a tape measure to see if it would fit, reading reviews, wondering what people meant by 'the colors being more muted than they had seen on the computer', trying to decide if I really wanted to look at a rug with roses or swirlies or whatever for the next some odd years...and so on and so forth. Rug craziness.

At last I found this rug: the Hand-tufted Classic Juliette Ivory/Green Wool Rug (3'6)

It wasn't too expensive. I really liked the design and it had gotten some good reviews. But when it was delivered, to my dismay, I discovered that it was too small for my living room in spite of the careful measurements I had taken. Where was the sign-WARNING: RUGS IN PICTURES ARE SMALLER THEN THEY APPEAR.

Ok, yes, this should have been obvious. But hey, I was new at this whole rug buying thing. I'd only ever bought one other rug in my life and that had been at Wal-Mart for pete's sake.

So what was I do to? I decided to move the Juliet rug into my bedroom and what do you know? It fit like a glove. It gave the room a comfy full feel that I quite liked. So that was good but that still left my living room with a square rug from Wal-Mart that, although nice, was not going with my Victorian/Steampunk decorating motif.

Now I came by my second rug with no less fanfare. I had spotted a large, rug tent sale that was going on in a shopping center not five minutes from my apartment. I stopped by to check the place out. They did have some very nice rugs but I thought I could get a better deal on Overstock. So back to Overstock I went. But I couldn't find a five foot round rug that I liked all that much. And so I made the mistake of buying a rug that was descent. Let me make this clear. DON'T DO THIS! Don't settle for a piece of home decor that is mediocre. You will be disappointed as was I. This was the rug I picked out: the Lyndhurst Tabriz Cream/Red Rug (5')

No, not a bad rug. Good price for it's size but I hated the color. It was too yellow and the design reminded me of weeds. Yep, it was going back. And I want to let you in on something. Overstock didn't charge me shipping for the rugs I bought which is awesome however they did deduct the return shipping amount when I sent the second rug back. Just letting anyone know who is thinking of buying a rug from them. Also, do not cut the plastic bag the rug came in with scissors because later you will read the warning that said to just open it from the top so if you don't like it you can ship it back in the same bag. Overstock will not ship you another bag.

But I want to send a shout out to you awesome UPS guys who somehow fixed that mistake buy rolling it up as much as you could and wrapping a random piece of plastic and tape around the part we couldn't stick in the bag. God bless the UPS.

Ok, so once I had sent that hideous rug back to the depths of hell where it belonged (no I'm just kidding it was very nice) I went back to the tent rug sale and found this very nice round rug I was on the fence about: a red, ivory and heather grey Kashmir rug (5'3)

And the super sweet rug merchants there actually let me take it home before I bought it just to test it out. Seriously, this is the nicest, (though probably not the smartest of things) they could have done. They just asked for my phone number and address as a safe guard. Maybe they took a pic of my licence plate as I drove away or something. But once I got it home I realized I loved it and went ahead and drove back to pay for it. I also want to add that I haggled for it. Yes, I did. Brought the price down $35 bucks! And for the cost, it's a super awesome rug. Fantastic tight weave. Gorgeous colors, feels like your walking on melted butter. Definitely worth every penny I paid for it (and worth the ones I didn't pay for it too ;). So now I am happy with my two classic style rugs. Yes, they don't make a lot of practical sense because I have carpet but I love rugs and I don't care who knows it!

Rene's Recommendation: Whole Food's Spicy Mixed Nut Bark

Ok, I know I've been posting a lot of food items but here's the truth. Ever since I posted that recommendation on marzipan I haven't been able to get it out of my mind. So I had to go to Whole Foods today to pick up some face moisturizer and went ahead and bought some marzipan and my other favorite candy at Whole Foods, spicy mixed nut bark. I'm usually not into dark chocolate but this stuff is different. It's dark chocolate with jalapeno and habanero pepper seeds. You get the super sweet with a bit of spicy. Reminds me of that movie Chocolat. So if you're at Whole Foods and get a hankering for something delicious, I'd try out this smokin' confectionery.

This post is dedicated to Phoenix the goldfish. Rest in peace Phoenix. Your vivacious love for fish food and life will be sorely and deeply missed. God bless your little goldfish heart.

Monday, May 10, 2010


Apologies to anyone who has been enjoying my daily thoughts and musings.

Sadly, I must take a five day break from posting on my blog because I am trying to complete the first full draft of my novel. It's supposed to be read for the first time this Saturday and I have quite a bit of work to do on it.

And though I would love to valiantly spend time every night getting a blog post together that wouldn't be fair to me or the tale.

So until we meet again I send my fondest wishes and hope your week is filled with magic and wonder! Until we meet again...

Sunday, May 9, 2010


Well it's Sunday night and I thought I'd write about the illusive and often annoying creatures that have, from time to time, plagued me with their persistent presence. Granted I have never seen one with my own eyes but I have certainly suffered from their exploits.

According to
1. (in folklore) one of a species of diminutive beings, usually described as shriveled little old men, that inhabit the interior of the earth and act as guardians of its treasures; troll.

I don't know about this guarding treasure business and I'm not writing about the popular and heroic David the Gnome. I am talking about the gnomes that cause things to mysteriously disappear. Let me run down a list of the gnomes that I personally have had problems with.

Dryer Gnomes-Somewhere in between the time when I put my socks into the washer and take them out of the dryer these gnomes come along and steal one sock. Only one mind you. I can't imagine what they're doing with them. Making little gnome sleeping bags or something? You'd think they would take them both to save a trip but no, they usually only take one and I am left with the remaining mismatched sock.

Drop and Run Gnomes-These are the gnomes that inevitably run by as I drop something precious to the ground. In a blink of an eye they grab whatever is falling and run away so that I am unable to find it when I look for it. I have lost numerous rings this way. I specifically remember a time when I was on a beach and this happened and another time when I was on a bus. I dropped the rings and could not for the life of me find them. Drop and run gnomes.

Moving Gnomes-Now these gnomes can be a bit more forgiving. Sometimes during the moving process they don't take your things, only borrow them. And months and months later they return whatever they took, while you are left to wonder where the object has been all this time. However, these gnomes do often take what they want too. There's so much craziness in a move that they are running around behind your back grabbing stuff from boxes or bags and stealing off with them. That is why people lose things when they move.

And last...

The Late Gnomes-Close cousins to the moving gnomes, these gnomes don't normally take things for good but they do like to move stuff around and cause you to be late. They like to mess with your head because they think it's funny. They move your keys or cell phone when you're trying to leave the house so that you waste time looking for them. Turned off alarm clocks can be contributed to these gnomes. And they'll also move money into and out of random places so that when it comes time to pay for something you are searching around for that twenty you were sure you had in your wallet only the day before. It's pretty annoying but true happiness is finding something you thought you lost. (If you find it at all.)

I imagine these little beings wreck all sorts of other havoc but these are the few specific classifications of gnomes I know about. So my advice is keep an eye out. They are sneaky little buggers and are always at work to make life a little more complicated.

Rene's Recommendation: Marzipan Fruit

Oh are my sweet little joy. With you whimsical fruity shapes and your shamelessly delicious almondy goodness. If you like almond flavor, then you must at some point in your life eat marzipan fruit. Basically it is confection made of sugar and almond meal. Now it's hard to come up with an idea better then that, I tell you what! The only convenient place I've found them is at Whole Foods under the glass counter where you can also find the fancy truffles, caramel apples and chocolate bark, among other goodies. I believe I happened upon the marzipan fruits by accident, not really sure I'd like them. Oh happy accident! You have not lived till you've tried marzipan fruit.