Personally I love the combination of sharp contrasts. For example, my glass apothecary jar that holds nature-born quail eggs. Or when flowery Victorian style meets brass and iron machines to create the coolness of Steampunk. And so, here too, with Goths you have what could be called contrasting art in motion. It begins with the natural hue of humans. Their subdued earthy tones of beige, brown, peach, olive skin, etc., coming together with stark contrasting colors, clothes and accessories that clearly weren't there when they were born.
If I had the courage I'd love to seek Goths out and take pictures of them and put them in a book. But some people don't like people taking pictures of them. It freaks them out. So that probably won't happen unless I get some street cred for being a good photographer, an unlikely possibility at this time. Oh well. I wanted to post a few pictures of the beautiful Goths I found while surfing.

“It's beauty that captures your attention;
personality which captures your heart.”
Rene's Recommendation: Galaxy Quest

Opening weekend this film didn't do well at the box office. But since that time the film has gone on to be a smashing success. It was my mom who brought it home for us to watch. It's funny because the movie is funny the first time you watch it but as it grows on you it gets reeeally funny.
It's especially fun for all you Trekkies out there because it plays off a lot of Star Trek show episodes. Besides that--for the screenwriter buffs--it has a good story arc and I happen to know first hand it's a favorite of the renowned script doctor David Trotter (the author of the The Screenwriter's Bible). Anyway, if you're looking for a good PG rated comedy I would definitely suggest you see this movie if you never have. And if you have seen it, should see it again!!
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