Art By: Mike Amend
One of the perfect steampunk (Neo-Victorian) additions I'd love to add to my treehouse are flying ships/flying machine models. To be honest they're a lot harder to find then regular sailing ships. (That's on my list of things to find too-the sailing ship-I just have to find the right one.) But the flying machines are different. I want to have lots of them. All kinds. From Da Vinci's flying machines to dirigibles to, what's that in the sky? Is it a bird? A plane? No! It's a crazy flying ship that looks really cool but probably isn't all that aerodynamic or safe! :D Where do I get in line?

I'd love to have them hanging from my ceiling reminding me that though people were not given wings, we were meant to soar. I firmly believe that. And I'm not just talking about metaphors. I once had a dream about flying around on a writing pen. I'm not quite sure how I accomplished this but it was quite an experience.
There are so many awesome stories and movies with flying machines (not 747 jets mind you). I think Hollywood should incorporate more into their work. A few movies I can think of off the top of my head that have some are Stardust (with their air ship pirates), the Mummy Returns, Little Nemo: Adventures in Wonderland, a number of the Hayao Miyazaki movies, Waterworld...and that's all I can think of off the top, but they are many more.

Don't get me wrong, I love our modern airplanes. They get you from A to Z but can you feel the wind on your face in them? Can you get lost in a cloud? Can you have long intimate conversations with a fascinating character as you rest your elbows on the railing while you both watch the sun set on the horizon? Answer: no. Try it and you'll get sucked out of the plane into a jet turbine. Just saying.
I wouldn't even mind the extra time it would take to get where I was going if I could travel that way. The world moves too fast these days anyway. I'd rather just float a while.
Hmm, this post ended up being a lot more wistful then I'd meant it to be. Either way, when I find some awesome airship models to put up in my treehouse, I'll post them.
Rene's Recommendation:

Ok, again I have not done exhaustive testing on who makes the best salsa in the history of salsa making. But hands down this is the best store bought salsa I've ever had. It's organic and not that expensive. I don't know how far they ship it but the next time you need to buy salsa see if they carry San Antonio Farms Salsa and give it a try. Muy excelente!
(Note: this is not a great picture. You don't have to buy it in such large quantities but it was the only pic I could find where you can kind of see the label.)
This blog is great! I laugh and laugh. Awesome writing and I love the recommendations.
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