Ok, I am very happy to live in the United States, and Texas definitely has it's positive points but one of the things I wish we had more of here is an appreciation for fantasy/fairy tale things.
It seems like mostly everyone around here is into football and Longhorns and having a beer out by the lake and I'm like, uh?
Instead of football why can't we all be into jousting? Or why can't we decorate our sidewalks with with pretend giant foot prints or have iron fairy decorations hanging from our lamp posts (sorry street lights, because when was the last time anyone put up a decent lamp post around here.)
I don't mean to be ungrateful and I know it's not exactly in our heritage to celebrate these sorts of things. But it bugs me that this stuff is generally thought of as uncool around here.
People who are medieval "geeks" or who like fantasy comic books or who would rather where a shirt with a dragon on it instead of the standard "Don't Mess With Texas" t-shirt are put in a little corner and told by the rest of Texas to go play there by themselves. Ok, maybe I'm exaggerating. We did just have a Sherwood Forest Faire happen not that long ago in McDade, Texas. But still...I know I'm just living in the wrong state.
That was one of the things I loved when I went to Ireland. I went there a few summers ago and they knew how to celebrate the mystery of the fairy tale in their every day life. I miss that. So to show how it's done I am putting up links to a few of my favorite Bank of Ireland commercials that you should watch. They're really cute and the graphics are great. I hope you enjoy them as much as I did.

Bank of Ireland Dragon-http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qeylhqfmOgo&feature=PlayList&p=A3BD490D3821566C&playnext_from=PL&playnext=1&index=9
Bank of Ireland Elf-http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=axJWo527xQ4
Bank of Ireland Boogey Man-http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E1fsk2FBd7E&feature=related
Rene's Recommendation: Get Rid of Things You Aren't Crazy About

Now this recommendation is not only a little hypocritical but also kind of vague. But I thought I'd write it because when I finally realized what my true sense of style was I started getting rid of things that didn't fit that style. I'm not saying throw out everything and buy everything new. (This isn't a reality tv show where they give you $5000 to redecorate) but you can start replacing little things. Maybe one thing a week and soon all the things you use in your house will be your favorite instead of just tolerable.
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