Actually it was quite easy. I've moved once since I hung my hat in Austin, Texas. In my previous apartment I was getting cable for free. But when I moved to my treehouse I had to buy my own. At the time I was this close to getting a $100 package with phone, internet and cable with Time Warner. But luckily I was talked out of it at the last minute. (Not by Time Warner of course, they've tried to change my mind several times since I told them I didn't want all that.)
It was hard though. I wasn't sure how I would survive without tv. The hardest part was the beginning because I felt so deprived, like I wasn't connected to anything. But now that I've been cable free for over a year it's been amazing!
I still watch shows on Hulu and Netflix. I found a whole bunch of cool shows through those sites that I never would have found otherwise. But I can't tell you how awesome it's been not having it be a constant 24/7 distraction, which I can totally turn it into. I also save a lot of money and don't have a million bad commercial jingles running through my head. I dare you to try to get that stupid "five dollar foot long" song out of your head. Doh! Shouldn't have said that.
Anyway, even though not having cable isn't directly related to anything Victorian I do believe it played a part in taking that distraction away so I could focus on finding out what I really love and not just what the media pushes at me. I think everyone should do this. Even if it's just for a little while. Cut off that cable! Go to the library. Go outside. It's so cliche but it really does work. I know and I'm the biggest tv junkie of all!

Rene's Recommendation: Primetime in No Time and Daytime in No Time
I wanted to pair my recommendation with my post today. I watch these: Primetime in No Time (http://primetime.tv.yahoo.com/) and Daytime in No Time (http://tv.yahoo.com/daytime) , every day during my lunch hour. They are great because they are short little videos of the previous day's television highlights. From scandalous talk shows to who got kicked off American Idol, it's great because you can still have water cooler chats with your friends about what they are watching on tv without watching twelve solid hours of it yourself!
Hey! I might just try this. Thanks for the recommendation. Sorry, it's me again...you're biggest fan.